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    Voici quelques questions que nos utilisateurs nous posent souvent.

    Commencez par choisir des photos claires et attrayantes qui mettent en valeur votre personnalité. Rédigez une biographie authentique et positive, mettant en valeur vos intérêts, vos valeurs et ce que vous recherchez. Soyez vous-même et n’ayez pas peur de montrer vos qualités uniques.

    Prioritize your safety by avoiding sharing personal information too quickly. Arrange to meet in public places for the first few dates, inform a friend about your plans, and trust your instincts. Use reputable platforms that prioritize user safety.

    Rejection is a natural part of dating. Remember that it’s not a reflection of your worth. Take a positive approach, learn from the experience, and use it as an opportunity to find someone who appreciates you for who you are.

    It’s best to use recent and unfiltered photos to present an accurate representation of yourself. Transparency is key for building trust. Authenticity is attractive, and it sets a solid foundation for meaningful connections.

    Send a personalized message that shows you’ve read their profile. Mention shared interests and ask open-ended questions. Avoid generic openers and be genuine. Remember, a thoughtful and respectful approach is more likely to get a positive response.

    Be honest and respectful. If you’re not interested, it’s better to communicate that rather than ghosting. If the relationship has progressed, have a direct and considerate conversation about your feelings. Clear communication is key.

    There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It’s a personal decision based on comfort and communication. Some prefer to meet relatively quickly to gauge chemistry, while others may take more time. Trust your instincts and communicate openly with your match.

    Contact our team through the contact form and we will  help you with the best answers to the questions you have.